Monday, April 21, 2008


The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou

...I wonder what this says about my caffeine 'habit'. Lol. And I haven't even had any coffee today.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

APO Family

Yay. I now have not one, but TWO littles. And a grand-little =) I am definitely very happy about this. My family had 'died' off; my big left the semester after I got initiated, my first little hasn't been active (I hope she will be next semester though *crosses fingers*). Then her little transferred to another college. So when I was active again this semester, I was family-less.

Buttttt, we have a new brother who transferred from Dickinson, and I adopted her into my family. Then, someone in APO who had a little decided that they had too much on their plate now, so I took his little. Coincidentally, it is one of my amazing friends, and I was actually the one who got her to pledge. So yayyyyy.

We have no family name though. We were thinking something like 'The Fuzzy Ostriches' or It needs to be something random.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I'm supposed to be finishing a paper now. It's a two part paper - analyze a journal article and then find what it is missing and create a new experiment. The title of my article is "Synergistic Roles of Antibody and Interferon in Noncytolytic Clearance of Sindibis Virus from Different Regions of the Central Nervous System."

Yech. I had a hard enough time translating that into English, lol. Ok, it wasn't quite that bad...I only had to look up a few terms, but in my opinion, that article is definitely not light reading. We had to get our articles approved, and my prof told me that it was a little on the hard side, but to go for it. I should have told him I would find something else. Lol.

The limit of the paper is 5 pages. I'm the type of person that uses LOTS of details, so its going to be a challenge for me to be concise. I finished analyzing the article and putting it into my own words. But now I have to figure out what is missing from the paper?? I have no idea. Augh.

Well if anyone has an epiphany and thinks of a novel way to look at the differences between SCID mice and
μMT/GKO mice and somehow test this...let me know. And while you're at it...just pretend you are me for the rest of the semester.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008