Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Knee update

So, it turns out that I broke some cartilage off my kneecap and it is just floating around getting stuck in places it shouldn't.

So the good news is, my ligaments are fine, the bad news is I have to get surgery to get the cartilage out. Also my kneecap isn't sliding centrally because one muscle is looser than the other, so my orthopedist is going to fix that too.

Fortunately, the surgery is arthroscopic, so the recovery time won't be very long and I will only need PT for a few months.

Anyways, I am also posting a picture of my MRI. The part with the circle around it is one of the pieces of cartilage that broke off.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


So today in lab I got some AgNO3 (Silver Nitrate) on myself. Now part of my wrist is stained brown and will stay that way until new skin grows. Lol. At least now I know from A&P that I have 4 or 5 layers of epidermis, and the top layer is dead skin anyways.

This is almost as funny as the time I accidentally dyed my hands purple because I didn't know you were supposed to wear gloves when tye-dying because the dye stains skin! Ooops. =P

And this time I was wearing gloves...I guess it must have gotten under them.