Ok, so the Shane & Shane/ Bethany Dillon concert I went to was sooo awesome! The presence of God was so strong there, it was amazing! Not to mention they are so talented!!
God has really been showing me a lot lately. Things have been rough and I hit rock bottom this semester, but it is just so indescrible to know that I can fall down and He will pick me up and raise me higher than ever before. That He'll be with me, next to me, even when I can't feel him. I mean I have known that, but to experience it is so much different. And this whole weekend has been so amazing with God's love and presence. Because I know that there is so much I am lacking in, but I am so blessed. I felt God's love so strong and, yeah, it was just too good to be true. But that's God =)
I mean, a lot of things are still going on, a lot of mess. But God has taken all this and made so much out of it. Like my relationship with my mom is 34345562201 times better with my mom than it was even a few months ago. Also this one issue I have been dealing with for more than four years has been making me feel so horrible about a lot of things, but I recently had some very valuable conversations with some other christians struggling with the same things. It was SO awesome to know I'm not alone.
And it's amazing to know how positively wonderful my friends are. There are some people who have stood by me and held me up even when I wanted them to let me fall. Also, I was really nervous going back to Cru after practically dropping off the face of the planet because I felt so bad about everything that had been going on. Which is so silly in retrospect, thinking that people are going to just abandon me, but reaching out to people is such a hard thing for me to do. It is so much easier for me to curl up in a shell and try and keep myself safe. It's something I really have to conciously work on.
Shane & Shane - I Miss You
put down your paper plate
come to the table made
deep blue china
found on the table by the wine
so fine
it brings out flavor
like You bring out color in life
oh, i miss You so
the feel of forever
oh, that taste i know
it hurts to remember
unfortunately high
ironically dissatisfied
i miss You
i miss You
oh, i miss You so
the feel of forever
oh, that taste i know
it hurts to remember
i had a fleeting thought this morning
and i mentioned you today
it breaks my heart just to know You in part
and not to be with You where You are
1 comment:
YOU are a blessing to me and I'm so glad I got to spend time with you this weekend :)
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