Haha, just wanted to comment that I did surprisingly well with my grades considering I was in the hospital for about a month [and totally missed spring break...grrrrrrrr]
Organic Chem II - Medical Withdraw (but I'm taking it in the fall with Dr. Discordia! Yayyyyy, she's is way more awesome than Dr. Rawn)
Currents In American Literature - A. Haha go figure, considering I really did not read very much of what was assigned. THANK YOU SPARKNOTES and Mr. Osman for teaching me to write!!!
Medical Microbiology - B!!!!! Woohoo, I was so worried about this one cuz Dr. Margulies said he thought I could maybe pull of a C. I did way better than that!
Human Development - B+ Meh. Wish I had done better, but it's ok.
French Intermediate II - A- J'aime beaucoup le français! C'est dommage que je ne prends plus de les cours...
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