Thursday, September 14, 2006

Update on life

Ok, yeah. God is AMAZING. I was able to share the gospel with 3 people this past week! It was really encouraging, because it is something that I have a ton of trouble with, because I am worried I'll say something stupid or whatever. I just need to remember when I'm doing that, its not ME talking, its GOD.

Anyways, I met this guy, B, when I was hanging out with friends on Friday night, and this guy asked if I wanted to hang out on Sunday. I wasn't doing anything, and I knew he wasn't a stalker or anything, lol, so I was like, ok, sure. He brought a friend, J. We went to Pizza Hut and then back to my apartment. Nadeau was there and everyone started talking. Then Di came too. And the topic just turned to religion.

Then Tuesday B called and wanted to know if I wanted to hang out again and I thought 'sure why not'? I had a night class, and I kind of had wanted a chance to unwind a little bit before doing more work. So B came and brought his friend G. Anyways, we were all talking and everyone except me was Jewish. And somehow, the conversation turned to religion again.

But I did recognize that Tuesday when I was giving my testimony, the perfect words just came. There were awkward parts where I didn't know exactly what to say, but I actually think thats maybe what God wanted because I think it may have shown them that I'm not perfect and I don't know all the answers, or something. I don't know. The most awesome thing though, is the first time, I was really nervous, but Nadeau and Di were there to help me. And the second time, I was still nervous, but G I was talking to was really receptive, he knew a lot and seemed to really want a relationship with God He has a better heart than some people I know that say they are Christian. And J seems like he wants to come to church with me some day!

So that was really encouraging. I am just praying that B will become interested too. He seems really set in being Jewish, even though he is not practicing. I just want them to know that you can have a relationship with God, and it's not about rules, its about freedom =)

On a side hands are purple and green. One of the things APO (Alpha Phi Omega, nat'l service fraternity) was doing last night was tye-dying pillowcases for breast cancer patients. Of course, I got the dye all over my hands. Oops? Anyways, the cloth is still drying, but if anyone is interested in helping me stitch them up, let me know!

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