Thursday, October 12, 2006

If I were a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...

So I was walking to work and well I was getting kind of into a song so I was mouthing the words and stuff. I got a lot of wicked awesome "Wow, she's crazy! What locked ward did she escape from?" looks (...if only they knew...). So yeah, good times, good times.

And then I found 5 bucks :-) Lol, j/k. That wasn't even a bad story. I hope.

Sanctus Real - "Everything About You"
Be my light in the darkened room
I'm on my face and I'm calling you
I can't fathom all you've done for me
Everytime it finds me on my knees
Like sunlight in the winter cold

Everything about you, it takes my breath
I tried this waltz without you and
I watched my great mistake...Hallelujah

Questions fade when you invade
You chase all my fears away
With your love in my atmosphere
All confusion disappears

And nothing but your truth remains

Questions fade, you remain
You are color on a page of white, bright
Like eyes beneath black lights
Like a glowing city on the plains, you call
My name


Oh and don't ask how the title relates to this. Cuz heck if I know. :-)

I think I've been associating with my brother too much. He's been emailing me and his subject lines are the most random things ever. But its really good, cuz it gives me excuse to say really weird things too...or in other words be a miss-know-it-all, lol. He was telling me the funniest word he knew (absquatulate), so I let him know the weirdest I knew (lithium-tri-tert-butoxyaluminum hydride) and what it did. Or also, his last subject line was in French (hes a freshman in HS) so I started spouting off the answer to his question in French (I've taken 5 years and just a little more fluent than him).

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