So long status quo...
I think I just let go;
You make me wanna be brave
Monday, March 24, 2008
I love you, Aunt Mary
My aunt Mary passed away yesterday. I am still in shock. I just can't believe that I'm not going to see her here on Earth ever again. I miss her already. I didn't get to say goodbye. ='( She isn't 'technically' my aunt, she is my uncle's aunt, but she was more family to me than a lot of other people I am related to by blood.
So, I just need prayer for my family.
I'll be praying for you!! Maybe you could do something to remember her or in her memory? Sometimes things like that can help i think. I'll definitely be thinking of you and your family.
You can read my journal if you want, just as a warning it could be triggering b/c i'm not very careful about what i say (and this is a warning to anyone who sees this comment and reads my journal). If there's anything that bothers you tho, don't hesitate to tell me, I welcome positive and negative criticism. :)
I'm in college. I'm an ISFJ. I love Jesus. I like to sing really loud into a hairbrush when I'm all alone. I GoodSearch for Heartly House. Ask and I'll tell you =)
I'll be praying for you!! Maybe you could do something to remember her or in her memory? Sometimes things like that can help i think. I'll definitely be thinking of you and your family.
You can read my journal if you want, just as a warning it could be triggering b/c i'm not very careful about what i say (and this is a warning to anyone who sees this comment and reads my journal). If there's anything that bothers you tho, don't hesitate to tell me, I welcome positive and negative criticism. :)
im so sorry. be very kind to yourself in all of this.
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