Monday, July 21, 2008

This kind of sucks.

Things have been really busy. Which I knew they were going to be. But right now, I feel like I haven't been able to get a break at all.

It's left my mood in shambles and my body feeling the effects of too much caffiene and too little sleep in an attempt to get everything done.

I had to make the decision to stop going to my ballet class. It really sucks, but it is also kind of a relief. Ballet is something I have always loved and it was a great stress reliever, but taking the class was actually adding to my stress in a lot of ways. I haven't danced in 6 years. And it's kind of frustrating when I am trying to do something as simple as a single pirouette or an assemblé on canvas and can't even do THAT properly. Not to mention I couldn't even remember simple combinations. And I was the oldest there by far. Which shouldn't bother me, but I guess I felt that since I was the oldest one there, I should be the 'best'. I shouldn't be dancing like a beginner again.

It really does feel like a huge dissapointment right now, but my class was 6 hours a week and it was a good 45 minute drive from where I am staying now. Adding that to 15 hours of physics class a week and 20ish hours of work along with church and trying to do homework and studying really made things unbearable.

And I am sure my treatment team is happy lol. The class wasn't the best thing for me in terms of the ED. I guess I underestimated how difficult it would be to have to look at myself in a leotard in a room full of mirrors. Guess I'm not ready for that yet. And we also had ballet 'boot camp'; which was something that excited me for all the wrong reasons.

So there, thats my mini update for now.

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