Then I spent 15 minutes rewriting my schedule/drawing ducks on my dry-erase board. =]
In my defense however, I have gotten a lot of studying for A&P done. I think I have gone over all the different hormones so many times that I will dream about them (that is if I get any sleep tonight). Which is fine with me; after working all weekend I have been dreaming about filling scripts. I really wonder if that's a sign of something lol.
Anyways you can tell I am definitely not an artist. And I decided that I could use a little encouragement this week, hence the bible verse. If I can keep the motivation up, I would like to find a new one to write every week.
I already have Psalm 139:13-14 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are WONDERFUL, I know that full well." [emphasis mine] written on a notecard and pinned to my wall; but something new to focus on each week I think would be pretty helpful.
1 comment:
it's amazing what we will do to procrastinate!
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