Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mario Bros.

So someone made an analogy refering to Mario Bros in reference to life, and it was a really really good one!

I know in life, there are a lot of times were I just want to stay put. I don't want to go and take risks, I dont want to trust that whatever is out there is anything worth really it. I would rather stay safe. Or give up.

But I mean in Mario Bros, you aren't going to just keep Mario in one spot when he is at the edge of a cliff and let him get eaten by the Gumbas or run out of time, would you? No!!! You would try and get him to save the princess! You would try and jump to the other side by the moving thingies. And if you fell and died, you would try again and be more determined. And you would do better because you know more of the tricks. And then when you get to the other side you get to the ? boxes, which have good things in them. And the last level is the hardest one. So if you die there, and have to go back, then the other ones are easier because you know the tricks. And eventually you win!

So yeah. I really liked this. Lol. Now I am going to try and find an old school nintendo and play Mario and Duck Hunt :-) Yay old school video games haha.

1 comment:

ericka said...

hahahaha duck hunt!!!! I used to be addicted to that game!!

:) I miss you thack. Call me so we can have lunch or coffee.